Character Pages and Images


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Ok here's the story on the character pages / images.  First I planned to have these really awesome character pages with bios and really informative.  And then Silver Shuriken pointed out that this was supposed to be a Kurama and Hiei fanfic site not a yyh site.  And I agree I don't want to over load it with too much other stuff cause there are plenty of other sites that can give you a lot better info than me.  But I also figure you guys might want to have a reference handy when your reading the stories to help give you a visual  of the characters as your reading.   I know that I sometimes wanted that anyways.  So anyways this section is just going to be a brief description of the most common characters.   With more info on the more popular fanfic characters that you are reading about (of course!).  And well also cause they are my favorites.  

Please keep in mind I have only watched the series once and it was a fan subtitled version that I am sure had some mistakes in it.  However having seen it and read quite a bit on the series I think I know enough to determine what is fact and what is fiction.  But if you notice any mistakes or that have incorrect information please be sure to tell me because I may not realize it.  :)  Thanks! 

Also if there is anything about the characters that I do not include in my summaries or if I mention something that is not clear just email me and I will tell you whatever I know. 

- Fallen Angel 

(Be patient a lot of these summaries are long in order to give you as much info as possible.)

~~~ Characters ~~~

Hiei ~~ Kurama ~~ Yusuke ~~ Kuwabara 

~~ Yukina ~~ Boton ~~ Koenma ~~ Genkai ~~

Shoiri ~~ Shizuru ~~ Atsuko

~~ Yomi ~~ Muruko ~~ Raizen ~~

Karasu ~~ Kuronue 

If there are any characters you want to know about that you don't see here try this website:
































Hiei  (my personal favorite, hehe isn't he cute?)

Age:  Unknown It is assumed he is somewhere between 500 - 1000 years old since we know he is a demon and has lived quite awhile.  He is however younger than Kurama who is well over 1000 years old. He would be the same age as Yukina  although  we aren't sure of her age either ^-^;;

Sex:  Male (isn't that obvious?)

Hair:  Black with a white starburst

Eyes:  Red, similar to a red rose (hint, teehee).  His jagan is a purplish color that usually glows when he is using it.

Height:  I don't remember any real mention of anyone's height  but Youko Kurama is supposedly about 7 feet tall and I would guess Hiei is around 2 feet shorter at least.  So I would guess about 5 ft.


  • Jagan (third eye) - he can use this the control humans, see/sense over very long distances, I think it is also possible for him to read and manipulate minds with it although this is never really explained.

  • Sword - He is a very skilled swordsman.  Considered to be a very skilled expert in wielding his katana (sword).  He uses this as his primary weapon most often although it is far from being his most powerful. 

  • Speed - This is often mistaken for the ability to transport.  He can NOT transport.  Hiei is however so fast that all we see is a flicker before he runs off.  This combined with a skill for jumping and leaping to and from high places often makes it seem as if he is transporting,  but he's not.   

  • Fire (several techniques) - Hiei also has the ability to call and manipulate fire.  I am not going to go into much detail on this because to be honest I don't understand all the different techniques that well.  His most powerful attack however is the 'Ensatsu-Koku-Ryu-Ha' aka Black Dragon Wave.  Essentially what this is a tattoo on his right forearm which he keeps bandaged with wards.  When he calls on this power it releases the tattoo from his arm into a fire consumed dragon that kills anything and everything in its path.  Hiei is the only one who has ever been able to learn this technique because no one else has been able to control the dragon.  Once he has used the Black Dragon he is pretty well drained of all his energy and falls to sleep in order to regain his strength.  

His Story

Hiei is first introduced to the story as one of the three thieves that stole the three treasures of the Reikai.  Hiei wanted the sword of the Reikai because humans that are killed with it will turn to demons that are easily controlled.  Hiei ends up fighting Yusuke who is after him in order to recover the stolen sword.  Even though Hiei is a lot stronger than Yusuke at this point;  he was careless and got beaten.  

As punishment for his crimes against the Reikai he is given the opportunity to serve his sentence as a Reikai Detective instead of prison.  And thankfully he chooses to work his sentence of as a Reikai Detective so now we can continue to drool over him ^-^ 

Er, um, yea.  Back to the point.  The second mission the team goes on is to rescue a Ice Maiden named Yukina from some very evil humans who have captured her for her tear gems.  During this mission we learn that Yukina is actually Hiei's twin sister.  He also does NOT want her or anyone else to know that.  Kurama it appears knows and has know for awhile.  Yusuke and Boton figure it out along the way.  And well Kuwabara being the idiot that his is  doesn't figure it out.  This leads to several rather amusing scenes especially since Kuwabara falls instantly in love with Yukina.  ^-^  hehehe!  Poor Hiei!

Hiei:  Poor Hiei?  What the hell are you talking about woman?

Fallen Angel:  Oh hi Hiei,  I didn't know you were here.

Kurama:  Oh sorry Angel  I sort of let it slip that you were in here working on his character profile.

Hiei:  What the hell are you saying about me?

Fallen Angel:  Oh I was just telling all the fans about your sister and Kuwabara.

Hiei:  Kuwabara?  THAT IDIOT!  What the hell has he done to my sister?????

Fallen Angel:  Well um nothing that I know of.  I really don't read all those fanfics about Yukina and Kuwabara.

Hiei:  You mean there are fanfics about Yukina and Kuwabara together?  Who they hell would put that IDIOT with my sister?

Kurama:  Well at least it would give us a break sometimes.

Hiei:  Baka Kitsune!!!! That's MY sister we are talking about!

Fallen Angel:  But Yukina and Kuwabara do make a really cute couple.

Hiei:  WHAT?!?!?!? Kuwabara better stay away from her.  I am going to toast him!!!  **Hiei walks very quickly out of character page**

Fallen Angel:  Kurama!!! GO get him before he flames all of the pages that I've gotten done!  

Kurama:  Why should I?  It's your fault for talking about Yukina and Kuwabara getting together.

Fallen Angel:  If you don't I'm going to tell all the fanfic writers to start pairing Hiei with Mukuro.

Kurama:  You wouldn't dare!!!

Fallen Angel:  **starts writing an e-mail to Shuriken....**

Kurama:  Alright, alright I'm going.  But I want a really good lemon for this.

Fallen Angel:  I'll put in a good word for you with Shuriken. 

**Kurama runs out looking for Hiei**

Sheesh I just don't have moments rest!!!  Anyways  back to Hiei's Story ...

So anyways that's that main information about Hiei.  Mukuro in case your wondering is one of the three Makai Lords that control the Makai.  She has made Hiei her heir.  Mukuro and Hiei's relationship really isn't explored very much in the anime.  The most I get is a impression that Hiei at fist was pretty much forced into the situation.  The two of them to share a similar past and I think in the end Hiei does come to respect her because of the power she has achieved.  There are many hints that Mukuro not only want Hiei to be her heir but also cares about him (maybe love even?).  

And that folks is about all I know.  Or at least most of what you need to know to understand the fanfics better :)












Youko Kurama a.k.a. Minamino Shuichi

Age:  Shuichi is about 15 years old at the beginning of the series and about 17 at the end.  Youko Kurama however is much much older.  It has been established that he is at least older than 1000 years.  Most fans have placed his age somewhere between 1200 - 1500 years old. 

Sex:  Male.  Although he is often mistaken for being a girl.

Hair:  Shuichi has long red hair, Youko Kurama has longer silver hair.

Eyes:  Shuichi's eye's are a very deep green.  Youko Kurama's are a very light golden yellow.

Height:  Shuichi is fairly tall, probably about 5'8 or so.  Youko Kurama is much taller at over 7 feet tall.


  • Plants - Kurama has power over plants.  He can manipulate any plant and turn it into a weapon.  His favorite plant is the rose which he turns into a Rose Whip.

  • Speed - He is not as fast as Hiei but he is very quick.

  • Senses - Most of Kurama's senses are very strong;  doubly so in his Youko form.

  • Intelligent - He is very intelligent and good and analyzing opponents and situations quickly. 


Kurama's Story

I really not much is told about Kurama,  especially his past.  But let me go with what I do know.  

We meet Kurama at the same time we meet Hiei.  He was also one of the thieves that stole one of the three Reikai treasures.  Kurama wanted the Mirror.  When Yusuke catches him with it Kurama agrees to return it and face his punishment but only after he uses it to save his human mother's life.  Yusuke sees that Kurama is not truly bad and agrees.  Later it is discover that the mirror  which grants one wish to the holder also extracts a person's life as payment for the wish.  Yusuke finds this out almost too late and tries to make the wish for Kurama in order to save Kurama's life.  Surprisingly enough it takes neither of their lives and Kurama's human mother recovers quickly.  

We know from this that Kurama is extremely protective of his human mother.  He cares for her a great deal  and knows that he owes his life to her kindness.

As to how he got a human mother...

Youko Kurama was a very famous thief in the Makai.  He was also considered very cold and heartless.  He lived his life to the limits and for no one but himself.  However he was fatally wounded by a hunter in the Makai, but he wasn't ready to die.  Somehow he managed throw his soul out of his Youko body and escape to the Ningenkai and place his soul into the unborn child of Minamino Shoiri.   His plan was to stay in the human world and the human form until he could recover from the nearly fatal wounds.  He also had to wait for his powers to return to him since they were completely lost after his injury and his jump from the Makai to the Ningenkai.  

Side-note:  This next bit of information is never talked about in the anime to my knowledge.  It is only told of in the magna series names 'Two Shots'.  You can find a summary of the translated Manga here.     

It's Kurama and Hiei's first meeting.  From what I understand Kurama is about 8-9 years old and has only recently begun to get his powers back.  Kurama is walking home with a friend from school and a demon attempts to attack him.  Being an extremely weak demon, Kurama easily able to threaten him and prevent him from even trying to attack.  Maka a friend from his school saw him and saw what happened.  She runs up to Kurama and questions him.  At this point a very very pissed of Hiei appears and challenges Kurama.  Hiei appears to already be injured but is still quite a bit more powerful than the other demon.  Kurama is forced to you his Youkai and summon a sword  from a small blade of grass.  They begin to fight  sword to sword.   Hiei makes a comment about being impressed by Kurama's skill and asks why he is working for a low class demon named Yatsude.  Kurama is surprised and comments that he didn't know Yatsude was even in the Ningenkai.  Hiei stops fighting and slumps slightly from weakness saying "So you don't work for Yatsude?"  Kurama comments back that "I am glad you finally understand.   I occupy this area (Basically meaning he is it's protector)"

Hiei comments back that it's a long story but it seems he has basically made a mistake.  (As close to an apology as we will ever see from Hiei)   Kurama suddenly notices how badly injured Hiei is.  (Blood dripping down pretty heavily. )  And then Hiei collapses.  While they were fighting  the demon Kurama had earlier threatened abducted Maka and brought her to Yatsude.  Kurama notices she is gone but assumes that she left to go home.

Kurama takes Hiei back to his home and heals his wounds and allows him to rest in his bed until he recovers.  When Hiei wakes up Kurama explains that he brought him back to his home and healed his wounds quickly with plants from the Makai.  Hiei takes not that all his wounds are completely healed.  Kurama questions Hiei about a girl named, Yukina,  explaining that Hiei mumbled his name before he fell asleep.  Kurama also goes on to state that Hiei must not have been born with his Jagan and that to have it implanted must have severely hindered his powers.  Kurama also stated that to have a Jagen implanted a youkai would have to be very determined.  Kurama then asks if the Jagan has something to do with the girl named Yukina and Yatsude.

Hiei glares and says "You're good at nattering and gabbling.  If you weren't helping me I'd be killing you now. Instead of a reward, let me give you some advice: your naiveté's going to get you killed someday."

Kurama comments that Hiei shouldn't bother trying to raise his fighting kai again so soon.  And Hiei replies that Yatsude's powers grow stringer with every person he consumes and that waiting is not an option. Kurama wants to at least know his name and Hiei replies, "Hiei."   Hiei then quickly disappears.

Kurama later discovers that Maka never came home.  He quickly leaves in order to find Hiei.

Kurama finds Hiei and states that he wants to help him find and beat Yatsude.  They exchange a few words and leave to enter the building where Yatsude can be found.  

After they enter they find Yatsude and quickly begin to try and fight him.  Each acting separately to attack.  Their attacks aren't causing much damage and they quickly realize they must work together to beat him.  Changing tactics and working together they realize that their skills and fighting stills blend very well together and easily defeat Yatsude.  Before he dies Yatsude reveal that he hasn't eaten the girl yet.  And that he has never eaten a Koorime (Ice Maiden) (This is apparently the information that Hiei was after.)  

Kurama feeds Maka a seed that apparently erases her memory and Hiei is somewhat impressed.  (Hiei being the very non emotion revealing person we have to assume he is impressed because he bothers to comment on it at all.) 

Hiei then states,  "You never told me you name.  I will remember it."


After this the two never meet again until the Raikei Treasure incident which causes them both to become Raikei Detectives along with Yusuke.  

Towards the end of the series we learn that Kurama is Yomi's Heir.  Yomi is also one of the three Makai lord that rule over the Makai.  Yomi and Kurama have a somewhat shady past.  Apparently well over a thousand years ago  Yomi was a thief in one of Kurama's bands.  During a heist Yomi made s stupid mistake and Kurama left him to face the consequences rather than help him.  (Keep in mind Youko Kurama is a heartless thief who is only out for himself)  Yomi escapes and forms his own band.  Kurama not liking the competition hires a assassin to kill Yomi.  The assassin is weak and only manages to slice up Yomi's face causing him to become blind.  The blindness however helps Yomi to strengthen his power some how and helps him become a S-Class demon.  ( This part I don't really understand I just know that Yomi at one point does admit that because of Kurama's actions against him  he was able to become the powerful Makai Lord that he is.  If anyone is more clear on this please email me and let me know.)  Even with this bad past  Yomi still wants Kurama as his heir because Kurama is so powerful.  Kurama doesn't want to leave the Ningenkai but Yomi threatens Kurama's human family and forces him to become his heir.   Later on just before the Makai tournament Kurama manages to free him self from Yomi's control and prevent him from hurting his human family.

And that folks is basically all I know.  Their is probably some things that I have left out.  But nothing that you really need to know to understand the fanfics.    


Other Characters

I am not going to go into as much detail with the other character's because well for one I don't know as much about them.   Well actually I probably do but since I am really only in love with Hiei and Kurama theirs not much point knowing too much about the other characters right?  hehe.  Anyways here is the main information about the other characters you need to know.
















Yusuke is the main character of the story.  He dies in the very first episode saving a young kid from getting hit by a car.  Since his death was unexpected (As in it wasn't his time yet)  Boton and Koenma give him a chance be resurrected.  He is resurrected and in exchange becomes a Raikei detective.  Which is a good thing because now we get to meet Hiei and Kurama.  (Ok so I have a on tract mind.)  Before he was resurrected Kuwabara and Yusuke were rather bitter street rivals and Yusuke was constantly kicking the crap out of Kuwabara.  Because Kuwabara rather unknowingly helped Yusuke to come back to life Yusuke becomes friends with him and the get close fairly quickly (Especially considering they used to hate each other.)  Yusuke towards the end of the series finds out he has demon blood in him and is actually a heir to Raizen.  Raizen is the demon that is actually Yusuke's father.  (I am not even going to attempt to explain how this works  but basically severally hundred years ago Raizen slept with a human woman.  The Demon gene apparently skips like ten generations so even though Raizen didn't sleep with Yusuke's human mother he is still Yusuke's actual father.   Yes this is confusing but tends to come into play sometimes in the fanfics so ya need to know).  Yusuke's power is his Reikai Shot  also known as 'Spirit gun'  or 'Spirit shot'.  Basically it works like a gun but with Ki not bullets.  

Yusuke also has a girlfriend named Keiko.  She's pretty important to him.  But generally not mentioned to often in fanfics.  

So there you are.  Should be everything you need to know about Yusuke.  :)













Kuwabara is Yusuke's best friend.  They started out as bitter rival.  But as explained before,  after Yusuke's Resurrection they became very close friends.  Kuwabara is what I like to consider the comic relief for the series.  He's a rough quick acting character who rarely thinks before he acts.  Which pretty much always gets him in trouble.  He is a strong fighter however and very very loyal.  He is also truly madly deeply in love with Yukina.  Which can be very entertaining should Hiei be around.  Kuwabara and Hiei do NOT get along.  We all know that Hiei barely tolerates anyone.  But with Kuwabara he doesn't even hold back.  These to are always bickering and fighting and getting in each others faces.  Usually after Kuwabara says or does something extremely stupid.  Which is pretty much always.  Kuwabara does not know that Yukina is Hiei's sister and this often comes into play in fanfics.  

What yaw really need to know is Kuwabara is the idiot.  Comic relief.  I realize for a lot of people I am downplaying his role.  But in the interest of fanfics  he generally  just plays the idiot and comic relief.  


~ Other Characters - Good ~


Lovely Yukina.  Yukina is Hiei's twin sister.  She is also often referred to as his younger sister.   But since they are twins she can't be much younger than a few minutes now can she?  Hehehe.   Anyways Kuwabara is completely in love with her,  much to Hiei's frustration.  And it appears at times she does return his feelings.  Besides  its soooo funny watching Hiei get upset  that they have to stay together.... if only to annoy Hiei ^-^

Anyways neither Yukina or Kuwabara realize that Hiei is her brother.  And not once through the entire series is it ever reveal to them.  Thankfully we can depend on our ever imaginative fanfics writers to reveal these little secrets.   




Boton is basically the Angel of Death.  Except she's an airhead who I never once saw wear one stitch of black.  Boton acts as Yusuke's guide throughout the series.  She also delivers messages from Koenma to him.  

Many fanfics writers as well as myself speculate the relationship between Boton and Koenma.  Most often I see them paired as a couple,  but I have also seen them paired as brother and sister.  I personally think there is more of a crush going on both sides.  But I also think both of them are to shy / reserved to act on it.  But hey that's just my opinion.   





Koenma, also known as Junior King of the Dead is the only son of King Enma Daioh.  

<insert small fact>  Somewhere on the internet I heard the character Koenma is a small joke in Japanese society.  The idea of the great Lord Enma of the Dead creating a son that does all his paper work for him is rather amusing. <end insert small fact>  teehee!

Koenma's job is to guard the gate of the dead and do all the paperwork to allow souls to pass from the Ningenkai to the Reikai.  He is the one who made Yusuke a Reikai Tantei.  Koenma is actually a pretty funny character,  he motivation to do pretty much everything is keeping his Dad (Lord Enma)  from getting mad and giving him spankings.  (Which is quite hilarious)

I have seen Koenma play many different roles in fanfics.  My personal favorite is when he is portrayed as a rather nosy trickster.  Doing or saying this that purposely create a little excitement for everyone.  Personally I think this is the truest portrayal of his character.  Throughout the actual series he is often shown watching what the team is doing.  Usually cheering them on while munching on his latest food dish.  He also likes to butt in and give his advice a lot.   



Keiko is Yusuke's girlfriend.  She is a very stubborn and strong willed.  She is tough enough to put up with all of Yusuke's crap.  Which is definitely a requirement to being his girlfriend.  

She very rarely shows up in fanfics and usually only and Yusuke's ever vocal wife.  They are both usually portrayed as your typical married couple except all their kids are half demons.  Hehehe!

Other than that I don't know much more about her.  If anyone knows of something else that needs to be added be sure to let me know!



Ok I don't think I have ever really seen Genkai play any kind of role in fanfics.  However they do often meet at her temple.   Her temple seems to be considered a safe meeting place for the group to meet.  They also tend to hold their training sessions there since it is a semi - secluded area with lots of uninhabited land.  

In the series Genkai plays a rather rude old woman who is set on making Yusuke follow the right path.  She tends to be hard on him and the others in order help them achieve more.  Really she cares a lot for all of them.  She is also very knowledgeable not only about fighting  but about the Reikai and the Makai as well.


Minamino Shoiri

Shori is Kurama's human mother.  She is the one who taught him humanity and made him into the kind caring fox we love so much.  Many times Kurama admits that if it were not for Shori he would still be a very cruel heartless Youko with no understanding of compassion or friendship.  

Shori often plays a rather large role in fanfics mainly because she is so important to Kurama.  Fanfic writers like to portray her reaction not only to learning the truth about Kurama,  but also the truth about his relationship with Hiei.



I can't say I have ever seen Shizuru play a very large role in any fanfic.   Shizura is Kuwabara's older sister.  Both Kuwabara and Shizura have telepathic abilities.  Usually in the form of sensing danger before it happens.  Shizura's abilities are much stronger than Kuwabara's and this is shown some in the anime.  Usually Shizuru only shows up in fanfics as a 'extra' character in group scenes and such.  

Really I don't know much about her cause she isn't seen much in either the anime, manga, or fanfics.    (Sorry folks  she's really just a minor character.)



Atsuko is Yusuke's mom.  She is yet another very minor character, at least where fanfics are concerned.  I don't think I have ever actually seen her play a role in any fanfic.  A few times Yusuke or another character will make reference to her but that is about it.  

Stuff you need to know.   She is Yusuke's mom.  Single parent.  Always drunk / drinking.  Cares a lot about Yusuke even though she doesn't show it.


~ Other Characters - Bad ~

























Yomi appears in fanfics fairly often.  And there are often split views on what kind of character he is.  First here are the facts:

Yomi is a important character in fanfics because he has a lot of history with Kurama.  Over a thousand years prior to the Makai tournament Yomi was a member in one of Kurama's bands (group of thieves).  During on of their raids Yomi got himself in some trouble and Kurama being the 'only for himself' kitsune that he was left Yomi to face the enemy alone.  Yomi somehow managed to escape and formed his own band.  This created a lot of rivalry between Kurama and Yomi  because Yomi choose to work the same area Kurama already did.   Kurama sent an assassin to murder Yomi but the assassin failed and only managed to blind Yomi.  However because Yomi was blinded it allowed him to strengthen his ki and become a S-class demon and then a Makai Lord.  

Ok now if you think that's confusing.... here's the rest.   During the Makai tournament Yomi wanted Kurama to be his heir (Second in command)  Kurama originally did NOT want anything to do with the Makai, but Yomi threatened Kurama's human family and basically forced Kurama to act as his heir.    Eventually Kurama was able to prevent Yomi from hurting his family and broke off his position as Yomi's heir.   At this point Yomi pulled out plan B  which was a small demon that was Yomi's clone (except the clone is only like 3 day's old and looks about 10 years old [in human years I guess] named Shura.  During the tournament Kurama did fight but for Yusuke not Yomi.   At some point during the tournament Yomi and Kurama decide to let bygones be bygones and basically put an end to their dislike for each other.

Ok now that you have all the relevant information here is my view on their relationship:

I do not think Kurama likes Yomi.  I do believe that Yomi has a crush on Kurama,  I think that is the only believable reasoning behind his apparent obsession with Kurama.  I do not think however that they have ever had a relationship.  Nothing in the anime implies that they have ever had a relationship other than that of backstabbing thieves.  I think the only reason that during the Makai tournament Kurama forgives Yomi is because his human form feels guilt for being the cause of Yomi's blindness.   

So that's my opinion.   However in fanfics  Yomi is often played as either obsessed with 'getting' Kurama at any cost,  or as the jealous ex,  or sometimes he is played as a nice guy the Kurama really likes (instead of Hiei).  the last of course being my least favorite.  

So um, anyways if there is anything else ya need to know about Yomi just let me know and I can probably tell you.












































Muruko.  Well what can we say about her.  You either love her or hate her.   Personally I kinda like her unless some fanfic writer has her portrayed as Hiei's girlfriend... haha then I hate her too!.  

Ok Muruko is also one of the three Makai Lords that rules over the Makai.  She has chosen to make Hiei her heir.   

I have watched the anime and I am still a little questionable about how exactly it is she gets Hiei to become her heir but I will tell you what I know.

Hiei receives an invitation from Muruko to come to the Makai as her guest.  At this point she only knows him by reputation and Hiei does not really know her.  We already know that Hiei is very much a independent demon who hates working for or relying on anyone else.  But for some reason he agrees to go.   She apparently locks him in a room with a large number ( I think it's 100) of her best generals (fighters) and he of course defeats/kills them all with ease.   Next she makes him fight Shigure who is the demon who implanted Hiei's Jagan and also her current heir.  Hiei defeats and kills Shigure in the battle but is also fatally wounded himself.  Muruko uses her experimental regeneration tanks to restore both Hiei and Shigure.  While Hiei is in the regeneration tank Muruko talks to Hiei's subconscious and tells him her sad story,  which is very much like his own.  She was abandoned as a child and then found and made a slave,  which is the reason she still wears chains on her wrists.

After he recovers he chooses to become her heir and help her fight in the Makai tournament.  Later on however as they are traveling to the tournament Muruko asks Hiei that if he had to fight Yusuke would he do it.   Hiei says that he would.  But Muruko says she does not think he would and its because of that that she is jealous of Yusuke. 

This where we learn that Muruko cares a lot for Hiei (this is often debated as a either a love crush  or a more maternal, friendly type of caring).   

During the Makai tournament Mukuro and Hiei are forces to battle each other Mukuro wins (fairly) but Hiei manages the break the chains that she wears.  (This is supposedly symbolic for Hiei setting her free of her past,  but in typical Hiei fashion none of this is actually expressed verbally).  After the Makai tournament and the end of the series it shows Hiei as choosing to stay with Muruko and continue to be her heir.

Okay here we go.... now for my take on their relationship.   I think first of all it is made very obvious that Hiei does CHOOSE to stay with Muruko, no force, no contract.  However I do not think he stays with her because they have 'hooked up'  I think their relationship is based more on respect for each other and most likely  a mother and son type of relationship.   I do think that Muruko did and possibly still does has a crush on Hiei however I do not believe she would ever act on it.  

In fanfics Muruko like Yomi shows up frequently because as you can see she and Hiei have a lot of history and Hiei does choose to work Mukuro.   

Need more info?   Just let me know. 







Raizen is a very important character in the anime.   In fanfics however he plays a fairly minor role.  

What you need to know about him.   He is the father (ancestor)  of Yusuke.  He was one of the three Makai Lords that ruled over the Makai until he died and made Yusuke his heir.  Raizen is a type of demon that lived on human flesh for food  but stopped because he fell in love and slept with a human girl. Because I some really weird genetics Yususke comes along about ten generations later as half demon.    Raizen dies because he chooses to starve himself to death. 

That's about all you need to know about him.   If you have any questions thought just ask me.


Karasu is one of the Toguro Team the Urameshi Team (Yusuke's Team) must fight in the Ankoku Bujutsukai Tournament (Dark Arts Tournament).  Before their match Karasu confronts Kurama in order to shake his confidence.  During this confrontation Karasu expresses a desire to keep Karama's face unscratched because it is so beautiful.  

During the match Karasu nearly beats Kurama;  it is a very very close match  that nearly kills Kurama.

Often fanfic writers speculate that Karasu and Kurama *may* of known each other previously.  Or simply that Karasu had the hots for Kurama but was rejected.  Either way he tends to appear reincarnated in a few fanfics.


Kuronue only shows up in the second movie.  He is a old 'partner' of Kurama's. From what we see in the movie Kuronue and Kurama were very close.   It is speculated by quite a few fanfic writers that they were most likely lovers as well as partners in crime.  But then again we only ever see him in the second movie so it is very hard to say.

In the second movie through some flashback we see that Kuronue was killed during a heist that just Kurama and Kuronue were on.  While they were escaping a pendant which was very important to Kuronue broke and he went back to get it.  When he did he was captured and killed by the enemy.  Kurama had flee in order to save his own life but greatly regretted leaving his friend behind to die.

These are not all of the characters  their are many many more that I have not added mainly because they very rarely come into play in fanfics.  If you want to know more about any of the characters or want information on some of the characters I left out.  I recommend you go to this site.   It has the most accurate information that I have found so far.  As well as the most complete.






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